Ekk we just love her! Nothing like having our baby "back" again.

Gotta run~ promise I will back with some super cute pics this week!! :o)
Ekk we just love her! Nothing like having our baby "back" again.
Gotta run~ promise I will back with some super cute pics this week!! :o)
4. Bath time
5. Cooking for her mommy ;o)
She has her post cast off appointment tomorrow. I can't believe a month has already pasted since she has had her cast off. I am really dreading going- I can't take anymore bad news- so do me a favor and keep her in your thoughts tomorrow. Lets hope everything is still in place and those little sockets are growing like crazy!! :o)
This weather is getting so old in my book- its either freezing cold or pouring rain or both. I mean look at this poor girl all bundled up!
She just looks miserable doesn't she?? Anyhow, we are waiting for spring or at least some 50 degree weather would be nice. Until then our rainboots and sundresses await....
This can't possibly be the same baby girl that I took photos of here. Just 2.5 weeks out of a body cast and she is standing, dancing and walking!!! Yes, she is trying to walk!
I'm Free!!!! :o)
And just throwing one in here of Maddie for good measure!!
I was sad but I got over it as soon as Ms Kassie was bouncing off the walls and trying to climb up and down on the couch this morning. I've been so busy cleaning this week too- we are doing the girls bathroom and I have finally decided to do their playroom!! We've been in this house for a while now and I am sick of the builders white plain paint. Time to bring on the color!! I will be sure to take pictures. :o)
And yesterday was Mackenzie's birthday- so a busy day!!
Kassie was more interested in the frosting on the cake than anything.
And my Christmas present showed up today--not Kassie without a cast- but the other present!!! My camera bag showed up!! Isn't it a beauty???